OLRC is a collaboration between the Minnesota State Career and Technical Education office, the eight Minnesota State Centers of Excellence, and the Minnesota Department of Education.
Welcome to the Minnesota State Career and Technical Education Online Learning Resource Center (OLRC), a consolidated source of instructional materials to help secondary and post-secondary educators adapt to the need for ongoing remote or blended instruction. The resources in OLRC have been curated by educators and are free for educators to browse and use. Curation was performed using a selection criteria rubric, and content in OLRC is monitored and updated regularly to ensure its relevance and usefulness.
Neither Minnesota State nor the Minnesota Department of Education endorses or promotes any of the resources in OLRC.
To access secure content, those within Minnesota can email HFM_simulation@winona.edu for the password. Content includes: simulation scenario libraries, resources & templates, newsletters, links, and recorded conferences/webinars.
COVID-19 Resources for Health/Science Educators
View health/science COVID-19 resources such as: Academic-Practice Partnerships, Nursing Assistant resources, nursing regulation and accreditation resources, self-care for healthcare workers, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & N95 mask fitting information.